Chicago style endnote citation example
Chicago style endnote citation example

chicago style endnote citation example

This variation is for bibliographies only. The way you cite different works by the same author in your footnotes or endnotes does not change. PlacePublished: Publisher, MostRecentPublicationYear. PlacePublished: Publisher, OldestPublicationYear. To correctly cite two or more works by the same author in your bibliography, arrange entries chronologically from oldest to newest publication. This adaptation is due largely to changes in publishing technologies. However, in it's 17 th edition, the Chicago Manual of Style discourages the use of three em dashes (-.) to replace author's names. The use of three em dashes (-.) was previously used in Chicago style reference lists in place of multiple successive entries of a single author's name. Citing Different Works by the Same Author in a Bibliography

Chicago style endnote citation example